"This is a smaller patch than usual, but it has some important follow up additions to our Planet Editor update"

Happy Friday and patch day! Patch 1.0307 is now live on EGS and Steam. This is a smaller patch than usual, but it has some important follow up additions to our Planet Editor update which was released a month ago.

New features:

  • Both in-game and in the Planet Editor, middle click now samples whatever is under the cursor to allow you to place it. Adds a surprising amount of good Quality of Life
  • When placing Resource Caches and Research piles, you can now choose what they should contain before placing, rather than having to place them then re-select to choose what they contain
  • Added the Team17 logo to the list of logos that display when the app is started


  • The Planet Editor is no longer affected by any difficulty settings you changes in New Game
  • Difficulty settings in New Game are correctly applied to any Custom Planets in that game - specifically around amount of resources in Mountains/Rusty Hulk etc
  • You can now switch the specific model used in Sunken Ruins
  • Save Game and Steam Workshop thumbnail images are now higher resolution and (more importantly) the correct aspect ratio
  • Significantly improved the render speed of the Atmosphere
  • Fixed multiple overlaps and similar issues with translations
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips near the top-right sometimes go offscreen
  • Improved how removing land tiles is described in the one-page tutorial for Planet Editor

Thanks for reading! See you in a few weeks time for our next blog post.